College Scholarship

The Falcon Camp College Scholarship Program
Congratulations to our 2019 winners, Abby McCartney and Julia Shorey!
Falcon Camp has been helping children grow and learn for more than 50 years and starting this year, we are continuing that support of students as they learn, grow, and continue to go after their dreams by creating the Falcon Camp College Scholarship Program. You don’t need to be a Falcon Camp alumni or summer camp alumni to apply either!
Requirements for the Falcon Camp College Scholarship
- Must be either a high school senior or currently enrolled in a college or university
- Must be from or live in the OH/Western PA area
- Must be studying or planning to study something related to either children or the outdoors (i.e. environmental studies, child development, teaching, etc)
- Must submit a 500-word essay (see below) along with their most recent transcript and proof of enrollment
Timeline for the Scholarship
The 2019 Scholarship is closed. Please check back in January 2020 for information on the 2020 scholarship.
The Essay
Citing external sources, please write a short essay (~500 words) describing the benefits to children of an outdoor residential program like Falcon Camp.
An example is how summer camps build self-esteem.
Please send your essay to with the subject line “Falcon Camp Scholarship Essay”
*Falcon Camp has the right to use the winning essay in print/media such as our website, our newsletters, etc.