FAQs for New Campers

Answers for New Falcon Campers
FAQs especially for new campers:
Going to a new place for the first time can be overwhelming. We’ve tried to answer everything we can think of, as well as lay out exactly what to expect from your first 24 hours at camp. If we missed something you’re still wondering about, please write to us–we’d be happy to answer your question!
During a normal day, we wake up at first bell at 7:45. (Some people may choose to go to horse care at 7:00, but that is completely optional.) Breakfast is at 8:15. Following breakfast, we head back to the units for a quick cabin clean up before heading out into camp. Each unit has a different schedule for the day, so what they have for first and second period differs. The important thing, however, is that at 9:00, everyone heads to their first period choice (see the Activities page for more about activity choices), and at 10:30 they head to their second period choice. Lunch is at 12:15, followed by Rest Hour from 1:00-2:00. Third Period is 2:00-3:30, and Fourth is 3:30-5:00, with dinner after that. After dinner, counselors deliver mail, and we sometimes have Camp Store. At 6:45, units go to their Evening Activity, in various places around camp. After Evening Activity, at 8:15, we gather again at the Lodge for snack, then head back to units to get ready for back. Lights out varies by age from 9:30-10:00, and then we do it all again in the morning!
Absolutely! We would love to see you. We host an Open House over Memorial Weekend for anyone who would like to come and see camp. Let us know that you are coming so we can keep an eye out! If that weekend doesn’t work, contact us and we will schedule another time.
Not at all! We get a variety of campers enrolling by themselves and those enrolling with friends from home. If you are nervous about coming to camp without knowing anyone, contact us--we’d be happy to put you in touch with a few of our returning campers.
We work to accommodate up to two friend requests, just make sure to mark it on your application. And remember--camp is about having fun with your current friends, as well as making new ones!
Yep. You do. Each camper in the cabin is responsible for keeping their area clean (making your bed, folding your clothes on your shelves, and so on). Additionally, every day, each cabin has a small job to help keep the unit clean--something like sweeping the walkway, organizing the drylines, etc. Most units can get their cabins clean and jobs done either before first period or in about ten minutes before Rest Hour.
Absolutely! You are welcome to bring family photos, posters, and other decorations, as long as they are camp appropriate, and remain in your area. Decorate away!
There is no need to bring money to Falcon, and in fact we discourage it. There’s nowhere to spend it! Your spending account covers any extra expenses at camp. Camp Store is an opportunity to purchase candy and soft drinks, and is open three times a week. Whatever you spend there is deducted from your spending account. When we go on field trips, your counselor will hand out money when we arrive at our destination, which will be deducted from your account. Any remaining money in your account will be returned to you at the end of of your session at camp.
The food is AMAZING. I have been coming to camp for 18 years now, and I still look forward to it. A fan favorite is the grilled cheese and tomato soup. And also the beef stew and biscuits. And also the breakfast pizza. And also the chili. And also the veggie chili (ok that’s just mine). The list could go on and on. The most important part is that although the food that is put on the table every day is delicious, there are always lots of options if that’s not your favorite. If you are a vegetarian and the main meal is meat, there is a vegetarian option. There is a salad bar at lunch and dinner, which always has something special in addition to salad. There’s a breakfast bar with cereal, fresh fruit and yogurt at breakfast. Now I’ve made myself hungry!
There are a couple important things to remember about what clothes you’ll see at camp. 1. Most of what we do is outside, and some of it involves getting dirty. Don’t bring anything that you would be upset if it got ruined. 2. Bring clothes you’ll be comfortable in. We do a lot of running around, hanging out, playing music, and more. You’ll see jeans, athletic shorts, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and clothes like that. You won’t see a lot of skirts, dresses, button downs, dress shoes, or the like. 3. Whatever you choose to bring, please make sure it is camp appropriate.
You do not personally have to wash your clothes, but you do have to send them to get washed! Which, after a week at camp, I assume you’ll want to do… We do laundry on Saturday for all campers, and then again the following week for campers staying multiple sessions. You’ll bring your laundry down to breakfast with you. Make sure to check the drylines and put all wet things in your bag. You can also put your linens in as well. Please make sure your laundry bag and all clothes are labeled.
Not at all! One of the great things about camp is that we don’t care whether you are good at something to think you should try it. Even if you aren’t great at basketball, we’re still going to invite you to play! The other great thing about camp is that because of how the schedule is structured, if you don’t ever want to do anything sports-related at all, you don’t have to. Don’t like athletics? Go to drama! Don’t like crafts? Go to stables, or woodslore! You have lots of choices. Check out the activities page or the camp tour for more on how this works.
We have everything you’ll need to have fun at camp, from fishing rods to hockey sticks to board games, but if you’d rather bring yours from home, you are more than welcome to! On our camp checklist, we have some examples of items you might want. Just remember, you are responsible for anything you choose to bring, and double check that your name is on it!
Great question. We’re a hardy bunch, and a little rain never hurt anyone. For many of our activities, we continue doing them normally if it’s just a little drizzle. If it really rains...that’s when the fun begins!
Yes, sometimes. Throughout the four activities periods, you travel with your unit, which is split between boys and girls. But we schedule co-ed activities throughout the session, like evening activities, weekend activities, and the dance, so you’ll have lots of time to see your friends in other units.
Definitely! One of the best things about having a purposefully smaller camp is that we gather as an entire camp before all of our meals. This is a great time to check in with a sibling about how their day is going, how they like their cabin, what activities they are enjoying, etc.
While you’re at camp, you’ll be assigned to a riding group. Your group will be asked if they want to ride twice a week. On days you don’t ride, you can still go to stables during your WRC period and do Horsemanship skills, like learning how to tack up a horse, or the parts of a saddle. If you REALLY want to be with the horses a lot, you can get up before breakfast for horsecare. If you are interested in riding more, you can sign up for extra riding, which would give you 2-3 extra rides per week.
There are a lot of people around who are always willing to help. Our counselors are the first line of defense, ready to help you solve any issue that may arise. We also have an experienced team of administrators, including a 24/7 nurse, who are always available if you feel more comfortable speaking to one of them, or if your counselors need some extra expertise.
Our counselors are friendly, caring and fun. They like to come up with creative ideas of things to do, and like when you do the same. Many of them started as campers, and have been coming to Falcon for many years. They know the ins and outs of their activity areas and units. A good percentage of our staff are new every year, and come from a variety of countries, ranging from the UK, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, and more. They bring new ideas and excitement to our staff, which mixes well with the experience from our returning counselors. We train all of our staff before campers arrive, and continue throughout the summer.
If you are coming for longer than two weeks, absolutely! We have a Visitors Day in between our two week sessions, when family members are welcome to visit, participate in camp activities and see what you have been up to for the past couple of weeks. If you are a two week camper, you’ll find that once you are into the swing of things, you’ll be so involved in what you are doing that you won’t be wishing your parents were there. Before you know it, you’ll be seeing them when they come to pick you up!
Our smallest cabins hold eight, and our largest hold ten. There will be at least two counselors, and likely more (depending on age). We assign campers to cabins based on grade and age.
No, the restrooms are not within the cabins themselves, but every unit has a block of restrooms. It is a good idea to bring a shower caddy to carry your items from your cabin to the restroom/showers.
Yes! Letters and care packages are a great way for your friends and family to keep in touch while you are at camp. We also offer BunkNotes, which is a way for your family and friends to send emails. Make sure to read about both BunkNotes and our care package policy in the Parent Handbook. And don’t forget to write letters back!
We only have one phone at camp, so we ask that your parents save calls for special occasions like birthdays or emergencies. Plus, you don’t want to be pulled away from all the fun you are having with your friends to talk on the phone! Because we are out in the woods, cell phones don’t work, and campers are not permitted to have them at Falcon.
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